The weekly dedicated didactic day covers the breadth of psychiatry and related specialties. These lectures are presented locally by program faculty. Some specialized topics may be presented by other experts live or via teleconference. Powerpoint presentations are posted online and some sessions are videotaped for later review by residents.
In addition to lectures, residents are given web-based modules for a number of different subjects, including Patient Handoffs, Quality Improvement, Residents as Teachers, Medical Record Documentation, Sleep Deprivation, Resident Intimidation, etc. These modules are done at the residents’ own pace, but the program tracks their progress.
Psychiatry residents will attend a monthly journal club, where they will develop and demonstrate the skills needed to critically analyze the validity, reliability and strength of evidence in the medical literature. All residents at Mather participate in quality improvement projects throughout their training period.
The program practices skills such as professionalism and medical knowledge through simulation sessions. Residents attend “All-Resident Conferences” several times per year, which address topics that include cross-disciplinary components.
The program employs the following conferences, all of which are required for residents and all of which involve faculty:
- Bi-Weekly Hospital Grand Rounds
- Monthly EBM Conference/Journal Club
- Monthly Quality and Safety Conference
- Individual rotations may have their own lectures
The core conference curriculum includes, but is not limited to, the following topics:
- Evidence Based Medicine in Psychiatry
- Psychopharmacology and Behavioral Therapies
- Emergency Phsyciatry
- Consultation Liaison
- Psychotherapies
- Psychiatric Ethics
- Seclusion and Restraints
- Forensic Psychiatry
- Psychiatric Ethics
- Psychological Testing
- Socio-Cultural Issues in Psychiatry
- Psychiatry in the Media
- Gender and Sexual Orientation Issues in Psychiatry
- Anxiety Disorders
- Feeding and Eating Disorders
- Substance related and Addictive Disorders