George Olsen, a retired construction worker and volunteer firefighter, had such debilitating neck pain that he got to the point where he could not move his neck. He was no stranger to injuries, bumps and bruises, having worked in construction throughout his career. But when he was trying to put three vanities back together and couldn’t move his neck to get underneath to connect the plumbing, he knew he had to get some help.
George’s wife had read an article about the Back & Neck Pain Center at Mather Hospital. He made an appointment and was seen within a week. He had a thorough evaluation by the Center’s Nurse Practitioner, who ordered an x-ray. Once the test came back, the Nurse Practitioner gave him options, including acupuncture and physical therapy. George decided that he’d start with physical therapy and see if that would help.
He started physical therapy that included heat therapy, massage and exercises. He said it took about two months to gain back the range in motion in his neck. George was impressed with how the therapists worked. He felt right at home and noted that they were very professional, nice and operated as a team.
From start to finish, the whole process took about three months. “I used to have to turn my whole body just to move my neck. It feels good to be back to myself again,” said George.