What You Should Know About Breast Cancer
Not everything you may hear or read about breast cancer is true. Dr. Michelle Price, breast imaging specialist at the Fortunato Breast Health Center, helps set the record straight on 10 common myths.
Not everything you may hear or read about breast cancer is true. Dr. Michelle Price, breast imaging specialist at the Fortunato Breast Health Center, helps set the record straight on 10 common myths.
Most of us are aware that good nutrition, a balanced diet and regular physical activity are key components of overall health. However, it may come as a surprise that proper nutrition is an essential component of maintaining back and spine health, including the prevention and healing of back problems. Maintaining a healthy weight and body…
DetailsNearly half of all women age 40 and older who get mammograms are found to have dense breasts. Dense breast tissue refers to the way breast tissue looks on a mammogram. It’s a normal and common finding. Breast tissue is made up of milk glands, milk ducts, and supportive tissue (dense breast tissue), and fatty…
DetailsIt’s summer and for many of us that means taking a long awaited vacation. Whether you’re taking planes, trains or automobiles, don’t let back pain interfere with your travel plans. Here are some tips for preventing back pain on your summer holiday.
Strong core muscles are important in supporting and stabilizing the spine. When we think of our core, we often think of our abdominals, or six-pack region. While the abdominals are a significant part of the core strength, there are other muscles that are important as well.
Yoga pants and fitness apparel have become multi-functional staples in almost everyone’s wardrobe. The market for stylish and comfortable athleisure attire has exploded over the past few years and the versatility of this clothing has allowed it to become common dress for many activities including chores around the house, running to the store, as pajamas,…
DetailsJust as good sitting and standing posture is important to the health of your neck and spine, so is good sleep posture. Choosing the right pillow is an important part of maintaining a healthy sleep posture. The purpose of a good pillow is to keep your head and neck aligned in a neutral position while…
DetailsWhen we look at someone we love, we tend to see only the good, which is just one of the many reasons it may be hard to spot the signs of opioid abuse and addiction in a loved one. You may start to notice slight changes in mood or behavior that don’t make sense. Follow…
DetailsWe live in a world where we are constantly connected. We always have our phones in our hands and we can be reached at any time. But this constant connectivity can actually be a big pain in the neck and it all comes down to how you look at it… literally. “Text neck” refers to…
DetailsImagine you’re in the hospital and your doctor or nurse mentions that they have a pet therapy program and asks if you’d be interested in having a dog visit you. You say yes and soon thereafter a dog and its handler arrive. You interact with and pet the dog. After they’ve gone, you notice you…