In many specialties, medical school graduates go right into their categorical training. Some, however, require an intern year of generalized training before entering a specialty program in the PGY-2 year. In order to match with these advanced programs, medical students apply and interview at both specialty programs and intern year programs at the same time. Upon matching, they enter their intern year that July and their specialty program the following year. Some of the fields that require a core medical training year before beginning residency include:
- Radiology
- Neurology
- Anesthesiology
- PM&R
- Ophthalmology
- Radiation Oncology
- Dermatology
The Mather Hospital Transitional Year Program is designed to provide a well-balanced curriculum of graduate medical education in a variety of disciplines, in order to prepare residents for entry into a variety of specialties that require a prerequisite clinical year. The program may also provide clinical education for those medical school graduates who will:
- serve in public health organizations,
- serve on active duty in the military as general medical officers or primary flight/undersea medicine physicians
- desire or need to acquire at least one year of fundamental clinical education before entering administrative medicine or non-clinical research.
The Sponsoring Institution has recently developed and achieved accreditation for an Internal Medicine Program based at Mather Hospital, which started in July 2014. The Transitional Year Program will foster a close relationship with both of its Sponsoring Programs, the Stony Brook Radiology Program and the Internal Medicine Program at Mather.