Knee Procedures

If you suffer from knee pain, performing simple daily tasks becomes difficult or impossible. The joint pain may be caused by osteoarthritis, also known as Degenerative Joint Disease, which results in the wearing and eventual loss of cartilage. This is the most common form of arthritis and has been linked to many factors including genetics, environment, excessive body weight, trauma and overuse. Other types of arthritis include rheumatoid, psoriatic and gouty.

Mather Hospital offers computer-assisted total knee replacements and robotic-assisted partial knee replacements. Which procedure is right for you depends on the cause of your knee pain and your orthopedic surgeon’s recommendation.

The Knee Joint

The knee joint is formed at the meeting point of two major leg bones, the femur (thigh bone) and tibia (shin bone), along with the patella (knee cap). Injury or disease to the knee joint complex can lead to the onset of arthritis and joint breakdown.

Total Knee Replacement

A total knee replacement is when your orthopedic surgeon re-surfaces the arthritic bone and replaces it with prosthetic (artificial) components. This replacement procedure allows for significant reduction of pain and restoration of function.

Mather uses a computer-assisted total knee replacement procedure to ensure the most precise fit and alignment of your prosthetic components.

Partial Knee Replacement

Mather offers a high-precision, robotic-assisted partial knee replacement procedure as an alternative to total knee replacement for patients with early to mid-stage osteoarthritis that is generally limited to one portion of the knee. The partial knee procedure removes the damaged portion of the knee and replaces it with an implant, sparing ligaments that are vital for knee stability and preserving healthy bone and cartilage.

Mather uses Navio™, a high-precision, robotic-assisted partial knee replacement system. Patients may experience less pain, lower risk of complications and quicker rehabilitation than those who have a total knee replacement. The procedure may also involve smaller incisions than with a total knee replacement.

The robotic-assisted system provides robotic assistance though an advanced computer program that relays precise information about the knee to a hand-held robotic tool that assists the surgeon during the procedure. The tool aids the surgeon in removing damaged surfaces, balancing the knee joint and positioning the implant with great precision.

Are You Eligible for Joint Replacement Surgery?

Each patient is unique, as are the reasons they consider joint replacement surgery. In general, candidates for knee replacement surgery experience:

  • Knee pain severe enough to restrict work and recreation, AND the routine activities of daily living.
  • Knee pain that is not relieved by non-operative treatment, such as reduced activity, medication or physical therapy.
  • Advanced arthritis or other degenerative conditions.

As with any type of surgery, medical clearance by your physician is required.

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